There are fertility clinics in abundance in the Indore, where you can access a wide range of fertility treatments that will help you conceive a baby naturally. However, in some conditions, fertility treatments, for example, IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) can’t help you have a baby on your own, and this is where surrogacy comes into play. Surrogacy is when someone else carries your child when it is medically impossible for you to do so.
When it comes to surrogacy, you will be provided with two options: traditional and gestational. Let us try to figure out the difference between the two so that you can make a more informed decision.
Difference between Traditional and Gestational Surrogacy
With traditional surrogacy, your surrogate would bear the child using her own eggs. It implies that your surrogate would be the genetic mother of your child. On the other hand, gestational Surrogacy is when either your or your donor’s eggs are fertilised with the help of IVF and the resulting embryo gets implanted into your surrogate. In this case, your surrogate won’t be the genetic mother of your child.
IVF and the Gestational Surrogacy Process
Before the process of IVF and gestational surrogacy can begin, you will be required to choose a surrogate, undergo a couple of medical tests, and complete some paperwork. Once, you are done with all these formalities, the process of IVF and gestational surrogacy can begin. The process involves various stages, including but not limited to synchronization of the menstrual cycles of the surrogate and genetic mother, ovarian stimulation, egg collection, fertilisation, and much more.
In the last step, your IVF specialist will infuse the embryo in the uterus of the surrogate mother, resulting in a successful pregnancy. At the end of the pregnancy term, the surrogate would give birth and the parents-to-be will be able to return home with a new life.
Final Words:
In this advanced era, most cases of infertility can be resolved using one or other medical procedures. At, Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee’s Fertility Clinic, we help the infertile couple realise their dream of having a child. If you have any questions or doubts regarding infertility or its treatment options, do not be reluctant to get in touch with us. We are placed among the best IVF center in Indore for reaching an unbeatable success rate when it comes to IVF treatment. The IVF specialists at our center take care of patients, from the introductory consultation to the realization of the main goal - the delivery of a healthy baby. The whole process, from conception to carrying a child, is completely controlled by the specialists - unexpected conditions are eliminated.